tac.gui.dashboards package


tac.gui.dashboards.agent module

Module containing the agent dashboard and related classes.

class tac.gui.dashboards.agent.AgentDashboard(agent_name: str, visdom_addr: str = 'localhost', visdom_port: int = 8097, env_name: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: tac.gui.dashboards.base.Dashboard

Class to manage a Visdom dashboard for the participant agent.

It assumes that a Visdom server is running at the address and port provided in input (default: http://localhost:8097)

add_transaction(new_tx: tac.platform.game.base.Transaction, agent_name: Optional[str] = None) → None

Add a transaction to the transaction table.

  • new_tx – a new transaction

  • agent_name – the agent name




Re-initiate the AgentDashboard.

update_from_agent_state(agent_state: tac.agents.participant.v1.base.states.AgentState, append: bool = True) → None

Update the dashboard from the agent state.

update_from_stats_manager(stats_manager: tac.agents.participant.v1.base.stats_manager.StatsManager, append: bool = True) → None

Update the dashboard from the stats manager.

class tac.gui.dashboards.agent.TransactionTable

Bases: object

Class maintaining a html table of transactions.

add_transaction(tx: tac.platform.game.base.Transaction, agent_name: Optional[str] = None) → None

Add a transaction to the table.

  • tx – the Transaction object

  • agent_name – the name of the agent



to_html() → str

Convert the table to html.

tac.gui.dashboards.base module

Module wrapping the visdom dashboard initialization.

class tac.gui.dashboards.base.Dashboard(visdom_addr: str = 'localhost', visdom_port: int = 8097, env_name: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: object

Visdom dashboard base class.


Start the dashboard.


Stop the dashboard.

property viz

Get the visdom server.

tac.gui.dashboards.base.start_visdom_server() → subprocess.Popen

Start the visdom server.

tac.gui.dashboards.controller module

Module containing the controller dashboard and related classes.

class tac.gui.dashboards.controller.ControllerDashboard(game_stats: Optional[tac.platform.game.stats.GameStats] = None, visdom_addr: str = 'localhost', visdom_port: int = 8097, env_name: Optional[str] = 'tac_controller')

Bases: tac.gui.dashboards.base.Dashboard

Class to manage a Visdom dashboard for the controller agent.

It assumes that a Visdom server is running at the address and port provided in input (default: http://localhost:8097)

static from_datadir(datadir: str, env_name: str) → tac.gui.dashboards.controller.ControllerDashboard

Return a ControllerDashboard from a data directory.

  • datadir – the data directory

  • env_name – the environment name


controller dashboard


Update the dashboard.


Parse the arguments.

tac.gui.dashboards.helpers module

A module containing helpers for dashboard.

tac.gui.dashboards.helpers.escape_html(string: str, quote=True) → str

Replace special characters “&”, “<” and “>” to HTML-safe sequences.

  • string – the string

  • quote – If the optional flag quote is true (the default), the quotation mark characters, both double quote (“) and single quote (‘) characters are also translated.


the escaped string

tac.gui.dashboards.helpers.generate_html_table_from_dict(dictionary: Dict[str, List[str]], title='') → str

Generate a html table from a dictionary.

  • dictionary – the dictionary

  • title – the title


a html string

tac.gui.dashboards.leaderboard module

Module containing the controller dashboard and related classes.

class tac.gui.dashboards.leaderboard.LeaderboardDashboard(competition_directory: str, visdom_addr: str = 'localhost', visdom_port: int = 8097, env_name: Optional[str] = 'leaderboard', dump_stats: bool = False)

Bases: tac.gui.dashboards.base.Dashboard

Class to display the aggregated statistics of multiple TAC instances.

It assumes that a Visdom server is running at the address and port provided in input (default: http://localhost:8097)


Display the leaderboard.

tac.gui.dashboards.leaderboard.compute_aggregate_scores(all_game_stats: List[tac.platform.game.stats.GameStats]) → Dict[str, float]

Compute the sum of all scores for every agents.


all_game_stats – the GameStats object for every instance of TAC.


a dictionary “agent_name” -> “final score”

tac.gui.dashboards.leaderboard.compute_statistics(all_game_stats: List[tac.platform.game.stats.GameStats]) → None

Compute statistics and dump them.


Parse the arguments.

Module contents

Module that contains dashboards.