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DabbaFlow webapp tutorial

Initial Setup

Requirements: Google Chrome or Brave browser.

  1. Get Fetch Wallet: Go to the Chrome store and add the Fetch wallet extension to Chrome. (Note that if you also have the Keplr wallet installed it will clash with the Fetch wallet. Please go to chrome://extensions/ and disable the Keplr wallet)
  2. Go to and connect your wallet in the top right corner. You will be asked to approve and then verify your identity.
  3. Open the DabbaFlow web app and click “Get Tokens”.
  4. Open the Fetch wallet and select the Dorado network from the dropdown menu to see your token balance.

You’re now all set to start using DabbaFlow!

Using DabbaFlow

Managing contacts

Use the left menu to open the Contacts tab. You’ll see here the list of public keys known to you – you can create or delete contacts. You will need their public key and choose a name for the entry in the address book (you will need to ask them directly). Please note that their DabbaFlow public key is not the same as their blockchain address.

Sharing files

  1. Navigate to the My Files tab
  2. You can choose an existing file or upload a new one
  3. To share it, click on the button and add your recipients by searching among your contacts
  4. Once you’re finished, click Share File

DabbaFlow requires you to approve every on-chain transaction, so your wallet will pop up to confirm that you indeed want to proceed. Approve the transaction by clicking on the ‘Approve’ button; you have the option to select a fee level, but as it’s all free, you can leave it at the default Average.

Please note that the free version of DabbaFlow uses the TestNet, so files will be deleted at midnight (GMT) every day.

Receiving files

Receiving files is very easy: when a file is shared with you, it will appear under ‘Shared Files’ in the dashboard. Click on the Download button to create a local copy.

Deleting files

You can manage the files that you upload or share under ‘My Files’ in the dashboard. Check the files that you want to delete and a bin icon will appear at the top of the list. Of course, if the recipient has already downloaded the file, that copy won't be deleted, so bear in mind that if you share something you might not be able to recall it.