OEF Python SDK

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WARNING: the package is in active development, so the API might change frequently.

This is the Python SDK for OEF agent development, allowing:

  • registration of agents and services in the OEF
  • searching for agents and services in the OEF
  • constructing a direct communication channel with another agent


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

If you need support, want to report/fix a bug, ask for/implement features, you can check the Issues page, or submit a Pull request.

For other kinds of feedback, you can contact one of the authors/maintainers by email.


This is the official list of Fetch.AI authors for copyright purposes.


Would you like know more about Fetch? Here’s a list of useful links:

Release History

0.1.0 (2018-12-17)

  • Initial release of the Python SDK for OEF Agent development.

Indices and tables