
This is a quick start guide, for the eager users.


Try the following installation instructions. If you have some troubles, we recommend following the full installation guide: Installation.

Depending on your platform, do one of the following:

  • On Linux Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler
git clone https://github.com/fetchai/oef-sdk-python.git --recursive
cd oef-sdk-python/
sudo python3 setup.py install
  • On Mac OS X:
brew install protobuf
git clone https://github.com/fetchai/oef-sdk-python.git --recursive
cd oef-sdk-python/
sudo python3 setup.py install
  • For other platforms and additional details, please follow the installation guide: Installation.

Run an OEF Node

For full details about how to run an OEF Node, please follow the instructions at this page: Set up an OEF Node.

Using Docker

In a separate terminal:

# clone the repo for the OEF node
git clone https://github.com/fetchai/oef-core.git --recursive && cd oef-core/

# build the docker image

# run the image
./oef-core-image/scripts/docker-run.sh -p 3333:3333 -d --

When finished, you can stop the image by running the following:

docker stop $(docker ps | grep oef-core-image | awk '{ print $1 }')

Connect Agents

With the OEF Node running, we can start to connect agents.

Write Agents

The GreetingsAgent does the following:

  • on_search_result: Once the agent receives results from its search, the agent sends a "hello" message to each agent discovered.
  • on_message: whenever the agent receives a "hello" message, it answers with "greetings".
from typing import List
from oef.agents import OEFAgent

class GreetingsAgent(Agent):
    """A class that implements the greeting agent."""

    def on_message(self, msg_id: int, dialogue_id: int, origin: str, content: bytes):
        print("[{}]: Received message: msg_id={}, dialogue_id={}, origin={}, content={}"
              .format(self.public_key, msg_id, dialogue_id, origin, content))
        if content == b"hello":
            print("[{}]: Sending greetings message to {}".format(self.public_key, origin))
            self.send_message(1, dialogue_id, origin, b"greetings")
        if content == b"greetings":

    def on_search_result(self, search_id: int, agents: List[str]):
        if len(agents) > 0:
            print("[{}]: Agents found: {}".format(self.public_key, agents))
            for a in agents:
                self.send_message(0, 0, a, b"hello")
            print("[{}]: No agent found.".format(self.public_key))

Start Communications

  • Instantiate agents:
client_agent = GreetingsAgent("greetings_client", oef_addr="", oef_port=3333)
server_agent = GreetingsAgent("greetings_server", oef_addr="", oef_port=3333)
  • Connect them to the OEF:
  • The server agent registers itself as a greetings service on the OEF:
from oef.schema import DataModel, Description, AttributeSchema
say_hello = AttributeSchema("say_hello", bool, True, "The agent answers to 'hello' messages.")
greetings_model = DataModel("greetings", [say_hello], "Greetings service.")
greetings_description = Description({"say_hello": True}, greetings_model)
server_agent.register_service(0, greetings_description)
  • The client agent executes the search for greetings services:
from oef.query import Query, Constraint, Eq
# the client executes the search for greetings services
# we are looking for services that answers to "hello" messages
query = Query([Constraint("say_hello", Eq(True))], greetings_model)

print("[{}]: Search for 'greetings' services. search_id={}".format(client_agent.public_key, 0))
client_agent.search_services(0, query)

When the client_agent receives a search result from the OEF, the on_search_result method is executed.

  • Execute both agents concurrently
import asyncio
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


The output should be:

[greetings_client]: Search for 'greetings' services. search_id=0
[greetings_client]: Agents found: ['greetings_server']
[greetings_server]: Received message: msg_id=0, dialogue_id=0, origin=greetings_client, content=b'hello'
[greetings_server]: Sending greetings message to greetings_client
[greetings_client]: Received message: msg_id=1, dialogue_id=0, origin=greetings_server, content=b'greetings'

You can find the full script at this link. and the Jupyter notebook version.

You can also try another version that uses the local implementation of an OEF Node: link.

In First OEF Agents you might find all the details and how to implement more complex behaviours.