Set up an OEF Node

This is a guide that explains how to run an instance of the OEF Node.

We support two methods:

  • Using the Docker image
  • Build from source

Using the Docker image

Using Docker

It assumes that Docker is installed. Please refer to the installation guide, depending on your platform:

Build and run the image

We recommend you use the Docker image provided by the OEF Core project, by following these steps:

  • Clone oef-core
git clone --recursive && cd oef-core/
  • Build the image
  • Run the image. This will start the OEF node, listening to port 3333 at localhost:
./oef-core-image/scripts/ -p 3333:3333 --

Your terminal will be busy while the Docker image is running. If you would prefer to run the OEF node in the background, add the -d flag:

./oef-core-image/scripts/ -p 3333:3333 -d --

After you have completed this tutorial, you can exit the Docker container by running the following line:

docker stop $(docker ps | grep oef-core-image | awk '{ print $1 }')

Build from source

You will need:

  • cmake
  • gcc
  • Google Protocol Buffers library.

On Linux (Ubuntu) you can run:

git clone --recursive && cd oef-core
sudo apt-get install cmake protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4

And to run an instance of OEFNode:


Optional: you can also install it in your system:

make install

For full details, please follow the installation instructions for the OEFCore.