First OEF Agents

In this guide, we show you some examples of how to develop and run OEF agents.


Setup an OEF Node

To be able to follow the following examples, we need to set up an OEF Node. This node will manage the discovery of agents and the communications between agents.

Please follow the instruction in this page about how to run an OEF Node: Set up an OEF Node.

Optional: set up the logger

It might be useful to see logging messages to better understand what happens behind the scenes.

To do so, run the following instructions at the beginning of your scripts:

import logging
from oef.logger import set_logger
set_logger("oef.agents", logging.DEBUG)

First example: Echo agent

In this section, we will develop an echo agent. That is, whenever it receives a message from another agent, it replies with the same message.

First, we define the service agent that implements the echo service. Then, we implement other client agents to interact with the echo service.

The code for the example can be found at this link.

Echo Agent service

Let’s start to implement the echo service agent. To do so, we define a new class, EchoServiceAgent, which extends the OEFAgent class and redefines the behaviour of the on_message() method.

The on_message() method of an agent is called whenever the agent is one of the intended recipients of the message. In this case, we just send the message back to the sender through the OEF.

In later examples, we will see a more complex protocol and how to implement the associated callbacks.

from oef.agents import OEFAgent

class EchoServiceAgent(OEFAgent):
    The class that defines the behaviour of the echo service agent.

    def on_message(self, msg_id: int, dialogue_id: int, origin: str, content: bytes):
        print("[{}]: Received message: msg_id={}, dialogue_id={}, origin={}, content={}"
              .format(self.public_key, msg_id, dialogue_id, origin, content))
        print("[{}]: Sending {} back to {}".format(self.public_key, content, origin))
        self.send_message(1, dialogue_id, origin, content)

Connect to the OEF

In order to connect a (service) agent to the OEF, we need to specify:

  • A unique identifier for the agent;
  • The IP address and port of the OEF Node on which we want to register;

We will use echo_server as the identifier. Choose the IP address and port pair provided by the OEFNode instance. In this example, the IP address and the port pair will be and 3333, respectively.

# create agent and connect it to OEF
server_agent = EchoServiceAgent("echo_server", oef_addr="", oef_port=3333)

Define a Data Model and a Description

In order to make our agent discoverable to other agents, we need to define a description (an instance of a schema), which refers to a data model (abstract definition of the schema). In this way, other agents can find our service by making queries (defined over the same data model) to the OEF.

from oef.schema import DataModel, Description, AttributeSchema
echo_feature = AttributeSchema("does_echo", bool, True, "Whether the service agent can do echo or not.")
echo_model = DataModel("echo", [echo_feature], "echo data service.")
echo_description = Description({"does_echo": True}, echo_model)

Our data model echo_model is very straightforward. It has only one boolean attribute, “does_echo”, that specify if a service can answer to an echo request.

The echo_description is the instantiation of our abstract data model echo and defined accordingly. Since our service provides the echo service, we set the "does_echo" field to True such that it will be discoverable by other agents.

For further details, please look at the documentation of AttributeSchema, DataModel and Description.

Register the service

Now that we have a description of our service, let’s register our service agent to the OEF, by using register_service():

msg_id = 0
server_agent.register_service(msg_id, echo_description)

This instruction will notify the OEF Node that there is a new service available. The message id msg_id parameter will be used by the OEF Node to reference that request if something goes badly.

When another agent makes a query on the echo_model, if the echo_description satisfies the constraint of the query’s constraints, then our agent will be one of the results.

Run the agent

To run the agent waiting for messages:

    print("[{}]: Waiting for messages...".format(server_agent.public_key))
    print("[{}]: Disconnecting...".format(server_agent.public_key))

The run() method is blocking, so you have to switch to another terminal/console to launch the client.

For some particular use cases, you may want to use async_run(), which is the associated async method.

In the finally clause, we call the stop() method to be sure that our agent has no pending work to do.

Then, we disconnect the agent from the OEF Node. It is a good practice to explicitly disconnect the agent after the work is done. The disconnect() method explicitly closes the connection with the OEF Node.

Echo Agent client

The EchoClientAgent implements our echo client, which is the consumer of the service we implemented in the previous section.

from typing import List

from oef.agents import OEFAgent

class EchoClientAgent(OEFAgent):
    The class that defines the behaviour of the echo client agent.

    def on_message(self, msg_id: int, dialogue_id: int, origin: str, content: bytes):
        print("[{}]: Received message: msg_id={}, dialogue_id={}, origin={}, content={}"
              .format(self.public_key, msg_id, dialogue_id, origin, content))
        print("[{}]: Stopping...".format(self.public_key))

    def on_search_result(self, search_id: int, agents: List[str]):
        if len(agents) > 0:
            print("[{}]: search_id={}. Agents found: {}".format(self.public_key, search_id, agents))
            msg = b"hello"
            for agent in agents:
                print("[{}]: Sending {} to {}".format(self.public_key, msg, agent))
                self.send_message(0, 0, agent, msg)
            print("[{}]: No agent found. Stopping...".format(self.public_key))

The on_message() method has the same semantics as the one implemented in the EchoServiceAgent class. In this case, we don’t implement any complex behaviour (we just print the received message).

The on_search_result() callback is called whenever the agent receives a search result of a search query with search_agents() or search_services() methods.

In our case, the agent just sends a "hello" message (in bytes) to every discovered service, by using the send_message() method.

Connect to the OEF

Analogously to the previous section, we connect our client to the OEF.

client_agent = EchoClientAgent("echo_client", oef_addr="", oef_port=3333)

Make a query

Now we need to search for agents who provide the echo service.

To do so, we create a Query referring to the echo data model. The first parameter is a list of constraints over the attributes of the data model. However, since our data model is trivial, our query just returns all the agents that are registered with the echo data model.

# create a query for the echo data model
from oef.schema import DataModel, AttributeSchema
from oef.query import Query, Constraint, Eq
echo_feature = AttributeSchema("does_echo", bool, True, "Whether the service agent can do echo.")
echo_model = DataModel("echo", [echo_feature], "echo service.")
echo_query = Query([Constraint("does_echo", Eq(True))], echo_model)

Search for services

Once we have a query, we can ask the OEF to return all service agents that satisfy the given constraints.

print("[{}]: Make search to the OEF".format(client_agent.public_key))
client_agent.search_services(0, echo_query))

Wait for search results

The client agent needs to wait for search results from the OEF Node:

# wait for events
    print("[{}]: Disconnecting...".format(client_agent.public_key))

The clean up of the allocated resources is analogous to the one shown before for the EchoServiceAgent.

Once the OEF Node computes the results, the on_search_result() callback is called.

Message Exchange

If you run the agents in different consoles, you can check the log messages that they produced.

The output from the client agent should be:

[echo_client]: Make search to the OEF
[echo_client]: search_id=0. Agents found: ['echo_server']
[echo_client]: Sending b'hello' to echo_server
[echo_client]: Received message: msg_id=1, dialogue_id=0, origin=echo_server, content=b'hello'
[echo_client]: Stopping...
[echo_client]: Disconnecting...

Whereas, the one from the server agent is:

[echo_server]: Waiting for messages...
[echo_server]: Received message: msg_id=0, dialogue_id=0, origin=echo_client, content=b'hello'
[echo_server]: Sending b'hello' back to echo_client

The order of the exchanged message is the following:

  1. The service agent echo_server registers itself to the OEF Node and waits for messages.
  2. The echo_client queries to the OEF Node
  3. The OEF Node sends back the list of agents who satisfy the query constraints. In this trivial example, the only agent returned is the echo_server.
  4. The client sends a "hello" message to the OEF Node, which targets the echo_server
  5. The OEF Node dispatches the message from echo_client to echo_server
  6. The echo_server receives the message and sends a new message (with the same content) to the OEF Node, which targets the echo_client
  7. The OEF Node dispatch the message from echo_server to echo_client
  8. The echo_client receives the echo message.

Follows the sequence diagram with the message exchange.

sequenceDiagram participant Echo Client participant OEF Node participant Echo Service Echo Service->>OEF Node: (1) register service; Echo Service->>Echo Service: run(), waiting for messages... activate Echo Service Echo Client->>OEF Node: (2) search services; Echo Client->>Echo Client: run(), waiting for messages... activate Echo Client OEF Node->>Echo Client: (3) search result; activate Echo Client note left of Echo Client: on_search_result() called Echo Client->>OEF Node: (4) "hello" to "echo_server": deactivate Echo Client OEF Node->>Echo Service: (5) "hello" from "echo_client"; activate Echo Service note right of Echo Service:on_message() called; Echo Service ->>OEF Node: (7) "hello" to "echo_client" deactivate Echo Service OEF Node ->>Echo Client: (8) "hello" from "echo_server" activate Echo Client note left of Echo Client: on_message() called; Echo Client->>Echo Client: stop() deactivate Echo Client deactivate Echo Service deactivate Echo Client

The exchange of messages in the Echo example.

Second example: Weather Station

In this second example, consider the following scenario:

  • A weather station provides measurements of some physical quantity (e.g. wind speed, temperature, air pressure)
  • A weather client is interested in these measurements.

The owner of the weather station wants to sell the data it measures. In the following sections, we describe a protocol that allows the agents to:

  • request resources (physical assets, services, information etc.)
  • make price proposals on the negotiated resources
  • accept/decline proposals.

You can check the full code here.

Weather Station Agent

Define a DataModel

For this example, we need a specific data model that can effectively describe the features of services.

Let’s start with an attribute to represent whether a weather station provides a measure for physical quantities, e.g. wind speed:

from oef.schema import AttributeSchema

WIND_SPEED_ATTR = AttributeSchema(
    attribute_description="Provides wind speed measurements."

The AttributeSchema class constructor requires:

  • The name of the attribute;
  • The type of the attribute: it can be one of int, float, bool and str;
  • A flag to determine whether the instances of the data model (that is Description) need to specify a value;
  • A description of the meaning of the attribute.

In this case, our wind_speed attribute is of type bool. If the description of a weather station has the value wind_speed set to True, then it means that it can provide measurements for the wind speed.

We can define other types of measurements as well:

TEMPERATURE_ATTR = AttributeSchema(
    attribute_description="Provides temperature measurements."

AIR_PRESSURE_ATTR = AttributeSchema(
    attribute_description="Provides air pressure measurements."

HUMIDITY_ATTR = AttributeSchema(
    attribute_description="Provides humidity measurements."

Now we can define our data model:

from oef.schema import DataModel

    "All possible weather data."

To define our data model WEATHER_DATA_MODEL we need a name and a list of attributes. We use the same we defined previously, that is WIND_SPEED_ATTR, AIR_PRESSURE_ATTR, HUMIDITY_ATTR and PRICE_ATTR.

Define a Description

Once we have the data model, we can provide an instance of that model. To do so, we can use the Description class:

weather_service_description = Description(
        "wind_speed": False,
        "temperature": True,
        "air_pressure": True,
        "humidity": True,

The first argument is a dictionary where:

  • the keys are the names of the attributes;
  • the values are the instantiation of the attribute schema specification.

The second argument is the data model the description is referring to.

We will use this description to register our service to the OEF. In this way, other agents can make queries defined over the data model WEATHER_DATA_MODEL and discover the service.

Define the WeatherStation agent

This is the code for our weather station:

from oef.agents import OEFAgent
from oef.schema import Description
from oef.messages import CFP_TYPES

 class WeatherStation(OEFAgent):
     """Class that implements the behaviour of the weather station."""

     weather_service_description = Description(
             "wind_speed": False,
             "temperature": True,
             "air_pressure": True,
             "humidity": True,

     def on_cfp(self, msg_id: int, dialogue_id: int, origin: str, target: int, query: CFP_TYPES):
         """Send a simple Propose to the sender of the CFP."""
         print("[{0}]: Received CFP from {1}".format(self.public_key, origin))

         # prepare the proposal with a given price.
         price = 50
         proposal = Description({"price": price})
         print("[{}]: Sending propose at price: {}".format(self.public_key, price))
         self.send_propose(msg_id + 1, dialogue_id, origin, target + 1, [proposal])

     def on_accept(self, msg_id: int, dialogue_id: int, origin: str, target: int):
         """Once we received an Accept, send the requested data."""
         print("[{0}]: Received accept from {1}."
               .format(self.public_key, origin))

         # send the measurements to the client. for the sake of simplicity, they are hard-coded.
         data = {"temperature": 15.0, "humidity": 0.7, "air_pressure": 1019.0}
         encoded_data = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
         print("[{0}]: Sending data to {1}: {2}".format(self.public_key, origin, pprint.pformat(data)))
         self.send_message(0, dialogue_id, origin, encoded_data)
  • when the agent receives a CFP, it answers with a list of relevant resources, that constitutes his proposal. In this simplified example, he answers with only one Description object, that specifies the price of the negotiation.
  • on Accept messages, he answers with the available measurements. For the sake of simplicity, they are hard-coded.

And here is the code to run the agent:

agent = WeatherStation("weather_station", oef_addr="", oef_port=3333)
agent.register_service(0, agent.weather_service_description)

print("Waiting for clients...")

Weather Client Agent

This is the code for the client of the weather service:

from typing import List
import pprint
from oef.agents import OEFAgent
from oef.messages import PROPOSE_TYPES

class WeatherClient(OEFAgent):
    """Class that implements the behavior of the weather client."""

    def on_search_result(self, search_id: int, agents: List[str]):
        """For every agent returned in the service search, send a CFP to obtain resources from them."""
        if len(agents) == 0:
            print("[{}]: No agent found. Stopping...".format(self.public_key))

        print("[{0}]: Agent found: {1}".format(self.public_key, agents))
        for agent in agents:
            print("[{0}]: Sending to agent {1}".format(self.public_key, agent))
            # we send a 'None' query, meaning "give me all the resources you can propose."
            query = None
            self.send_cfp(1, 0, agent, 0, query)

    def on_propose(self, msg_id: int, dialogue_id: int, origin: str, target: int, proposals: PROPOSE_TYPES):
        """When we receive a Propose message, answer with an Accept."""
        print("[{0}]: Received propose from agent {1}".format(self.public_key, origin))
        for i, p in enumerate(proposals):
            print("[{0}]: Proposal {1}: {2}".format(self.public_key, i, p.values))
        print("[{0}]: Accepting Propose.".format(self.public_key))
        self.send_accept(msg_id, dialogue_id, origin, msg_id + 1)

    def on_message(self, msg_id: int, dialogue_id: int, origin: str, content: bytes):
        """Extract and print data from incoming (simple) messages."""
        data = json.loads(content.decode("utf-8"))
        print("[{0}]: Received measurement from {1}: {2}".format(self.public_key, origin, pprint.pformat(data)))

His behaviour can be summarized with the following lines:

  • When the agent receives a search result from the OEF (see on_search_result), it sends a CFP to every weather station found. This message starts a negotiation with every agent. For simplicity, the CFP contains a query with an empty list of constraints, meaning that we do not specify constraints on the set of proposals we can receive.
  • When the agent receives a Propose message, he will automatically accept the proposal, sending an Accept message. Here it is possible to implement multiple strategies, e.g. find the proposal with the minimum across different services.
  • Then he waits to receive the measurements from the weather station.

And here’s the code to run it:

from oef.query import Query, Constraint, Eq

agent = WeatherClient("weather_client", oef_addr="", oef_port=3333)

query = Query([Constraint(, Eq(True)),
               Constraint(, Eq(True)),
               Constraint(, Eq(True))],

agent.search_services(0, query)


Notice how we built the Query object, used to search weather services. The query requires:

  • a data model over which the query is defined
  • a list of Constraint object. Each constraint is defined over attributes of the data model and imposes a restriction on the possible values that the associated attributes can assume.

In this example, we require that the Description of the services registered in the OEF is compliant with the following conditions:

  • The description is defined over the WEATHER_DATA_MODEL (defined before)
  • The fields temperature, humidity and air pressure must be set to True (that is, the service provides the associated measurements. To specify this kind of constraint, we use the class Eq that express the constraint of equality to a specific value.

To give a better idea, you can think about this query as an equivalent of the following SQL-like query:

SELECT * FROM weather_data WHERE
  temperature = true and
  air_pressure = true and
  humidity = true;

In other sections of the documentation, you can find more details about the query language and other types of constraint.

Message Exchange

The output from the client agent should be:

[weather_station]: Waiting for clients...
[weather_station]: Received CFP from weather_client
[weather_station]: Sending propose at price: 50
[weather_station]: Received accept from weather_client.
[weather_station]: sending data to weather_client: {'air_pressure': 1019.0, 'humidity': 0.7, 'temperature': 15.0}

Whereas, the one from the server agent is:

[weather_station]: Waiting for clients...
[weather_station]: Received CFP from weather_client
[weather_station]: Sending propose at price: 50
[weather_station]: Received accept from weather_client.
[weather_station]: sending data to weather_client: {'air_pressure': 1019.0, 'humidity': 0.7, 'temperature': 15.0}

Follows the summary of the communication between the weather client and the weather station:

  1. The weather station agent registers to the OEF and waits for messages.
  2. The client sends a search result with a query, looking for weather stations that provide measurements for temperature, humidity and air pressure. Then, he waits for messages.
  3. The OEF answers with the services that satisfy the query.
  4. The client sends a CFP to the service via the OEF Node. The node forwards it to the recipient.
  5. The weather station answers with a proposal.
  6. The client accepts the proposal and notifies the weather station.
  7. The station sends messages to the client with the desired measurements.

Follows the sequence diagram with the message exchange.

sequenceDiagram participant Weather Client participant OEF Node participant Weather Service Weather Service->>OEF Node: (1) register service; Weather Service->>Weather Service: run(), waiting for messages... activate Weather Service Weather Client->>OEF Node: (2) search services; Weather Client->>Weather Client: run(), waiting for messages... activate Weather Client OEF Node->>Weather Client: (3) search result; activate Weather Client note left of Weather Client: on_search_result() called Weather Client->>OEF Node: (4) CFP(query): deactivate Weather Client OEF Node->>Weather Service: CFP(query); activate Weather Service note right of Weather Service:on_cfp() called; Weather Service ->>OEF Node: (5) Propose(id, price) deactivate Weather Service OEF Node ->>Weather Client: Propose(id, price) activate Weather Client note left of Weather Client: on_propose() called; Weather Client->>OEF Node: (6) Accept(id) deactivate Weather Client OEF Node->>Weather Service: Accept(id) activate Weather Service note right of Weather Service:on_accept() called; Weather Service ->>OEF Node: (7) Message(data) deactivate Weather Service OEF Node ->>Weather Client: Message(data) activate Weather Client note left of Weather Client: on_message() called; Weather Client->>Weather Client: stop() deactivate Weather Client deactivate Weather Service deactivate Weather Client

The exchange of messages in the Weather example.

Notice: in step (6), instead of the Accept action, we might have had a counter-Propose, or a Decline. Decline means that the sender is not interested anymore in continuing the negotiation with the recipient.